
Something gone wrong? Check out our FAQs for help.

Training modules are available on the Training page of this website. You will need to register to confirm that you have completed them.

Contact  to register.

Contact admin at and the administrator will reset it for you. The admin works usual office hours, so reset may not be immediate.

No. You and your colleagues need to use your own logins to make sure:

  • data stays confidential
  • access logs remain accurate.

Please make sure you only use your own login and keep it safe.

Choose the entry you want to remove, and:

  1. Mark it as inactive.
  2. Change the name to include “old” or “to delete”.
  3. Contact admin at to delete it for you.

The information on your clients is limited to:

  • you
  • your manager
  • any colleagues you share your client list with
  • Administrators at National Office.

For more information on keeping secure records and privacy, refer to your association’s privacy policy.

Youth worker

At this level you can access your own clients, and view and manage their data.

However, you can’t delete clients, and you can’t change data in a completed interview.

Youth manager

At this level you can access all clients who are assigned to your association. You can also change the youth worker that a client is assigned to.

However, you can’t delete clients, and you can’t change data in a completed interview.


Admins are available at the National Office. They can support you if you need to delete a client who was accidentally added, or if you have issues with data or content in the tool.

No, they don’t have to give consent for you to create a profile. In this case, you should create a profile with just their first and last name. This means you can record progress, but they do not need to give any further information if they don’t want to.

When you aren’t working with a young person anymore, mark their profile as inactive. This shows in the Clients list: the young person’s name will be in red, and they will move to the bottom of the list.

You may also want to print them a final progress report as a record of their development.

Need human help?

Check out our contact page for ways to get in touch and get support.

Want training?

We’ve developed a range of short and clear training materials to support you to use ImpactStar® effectively.

Need technical guidance?

Walkthrough instructions and videos to see how to manage youth client information and more.